Sunday, December 14, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
To Do
Life has a way of doing that.
But I'm going to take 5 minutes (and I'm timing myself)
to blog a little and share our life
I'm doing this while watching John & Kate Plus 8
The boys are at their dad's house for the evening
I got home at 9:45 pm after a little Christmas shopping
But before that I went to my divorce class
at Faith Bible Chapel in Arvada
It was Mexican Night in the Church Cafe
and I ate tacos and chocolate pudding
with my 60 year old friends
The snow is powdering sugar outside and it's so beautiful
This is my To Do list tonight (no order):
* Organize all gifts
* Wrap all the gifts
* Organize Christmas Card list
* Address cards
* Take some Emergen-C in a little while
* Do some laundry
* Hang up my coat, vest, scarf and gloves (yay snow!)
* Start the book I just bought in Boulder
* Try again to comment on Mom's blog (couldn't do it this morning)
* Publish my blog
* Upload Thanksgiving pics
* Go to bed
I bet I can get at least 5 of these things done tonight.
I lost track of time. Oh well. Blogs over. Love you!
What's on your To Do list?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Makes me smile each time
Makes me smile each time I see it.
Enjoy and smile with me!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
A Celebration on Cian's 8th Birthday

He always has so much on his mind and inquires about the most interesting things. His Gaelic name actually means ancient and he certainly acts like and old wise soul.
Here they are reading it together

For the last two years, I've given him the option to have a party or have a special family dinner at a favorite restaurant.
He's just too cute!
Here is Cu Chulainn.
Tonight was also sort of a combo celebration...
For Chulainn, it was to acknowedge his fantastic grades and excellent reports from his teachers during fall conferences. I told him since he did so awesome, he could get whatever he wanted so this is his first surf and turf! YUM!
Isn't he getting so big (and handsome)!
And for me, this dinner celebrated my promotion to management! It was quite a journey, but through hard work, patience and perseverence, my efforts were finally recognized.
Being able to take the boys here for Cian's birthday really meant a lot to me because it wasn't long ago that I couldn't afford an extravagance like this. But because of the promotion and through God's blessings of intelligence, ability and work ethic I was able to celebrate my awesome boys and treat them to dinners like this!
I sure love them!

I love you!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Blogging: Starting again
Here's a picture of my mom, sister Lauren and me in May.
This is the first blog since April, but from here on out, you can keep up with the lives of my little boys and me. If I'm behind, email me and hold me to it (pretty please).
More to come!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
One of the guys brought one to me and I just had to eat it. :)
Lemonbars remind me of my dad. They are his favorite so when I eat one I smile.